Praying the Spirit’s Blessing to Pentecost: Day 28

Saturday, April 27, 2024 – Day 28

The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. Psalm 116:5

Scripture Insights

Think about whom you saw. I saw people exercising (I finally went myself). I saw my rabbi friend counseling his congregant. I saw my daughter, excited she received a B+ in math. I saw a pregnant, eighteen-year-old mother of two. I saw an immigrant from the Philippines. I saw two eighty-year-old ladies serving their congregation. I saw an alcoholic.

What did you hear? I heard concern in people’s voices. I heard laughter as some served. I heard heartache as people faced tough decisions. I heard forgiveness.

Today’s psalm reminds us that our God is worthy to be praised for his mercy, righteousness, and compassion. Our God shows favor and keeps his promises! In the first four verses, the psalmist describes that God hears three times. Our God sees and hears the situation and desires to change it. This verse also serves as a reminder for us to see with God’s eyes and hear with God’s ears those we encounter.

How can I show compassion to my children when they are struggling with schoolwork? How can I show solidarity toward those of different faiths? How can I show compassion to teenage moms? How can I show grace toward persons fighting addiction? How can I show compassion to the immigrants we encounter in our restaurants, schools, grocery stores, and church outreach events?

Today’s Prayer

Father, open our eyes and ears to see what you see and hear what you hear. We confess that too often we are hurried. Help us to slow down and be your hands and feet; may we offer compassion.

What is the Spirit saying to you today?

—Ismael Flores Lead Pastor, Rio Valley Church of the Nazarene (Texas)

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